Florida attorney John Tucker delivered a lecture titled Social Security Benefits as an Offset to Long Term Disability Benefits at the American Association for Justice ('AAJ') Annual Convention in Vancouver, British Columbia on Sunday, July 11, 2010. Mr. Tucker's lecture focused on the impact of Social Security Benefits on the benefits disabled people receive under private Disability Insurance policies and ERISA Disability benefit plans. 'ERISA' stands for the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, the federal law that governs employer group insurance and pension plans.
Many attorneys and disability claimants do not realize that Social Security Disability benefits are often deducted from payments made under Disability Insurance and ERISA benefit plans. Interpretation of insurance policy and plan language play a big role on how and when these offsets are taken.
Mr. Tucker concentrates his practice on representing individuals in Individual Disability Insurance, ERISA Disability, Social Security Disability and Veterans Disability Compensation claims and lawsuits. Mr. Tucker is a frequent author and lecturer on topics related to disability insurance and other disability benefits. His recent speaking engagements include lectures and panel presentations delivered to the American Bar Association, the National Association of Disability Representatives, AAJ, and the Florida Justice Association.
Copyright (c) 2010 by John V. Tucker and Tucker & Ludin, P.A. All rights reserved. For assistance with your Long Term Disability claim, ERISA Disability benefit claim, Social Security Disability claim, or Veterans Disability compensation or pension claim, call Disability Lawyer John Tucker at (866) 282-5260.
If you are looking for a disability lawyer then there are a few questions you should ask up front. It is okay to be extra cautious regarding this matter.
Before you select the lawyer, you must compare their fees carefully. You need to check whether there is any fee required to evaluate your claim. At the same time, you must find out how the consultation fee is calculated.
If you feel that as an employee or worker that your company is depriving you of your right, it is just rightful that you hire a lawyer to make things better for you.
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